Manor House / Woodberry Down
The hostel’s official name was Woodberry Down. The Boys often refer to this property as Manor House, as it was close to Manor House Tube, in Stamford Hill, north London.
The hostel was run by the religious Zionist organisation Bachad.
The house belonged to the Sklan family, who were the founders of Bachad. The brothers Cecil Sklan and Jack Sklan were key figures in the movement.
The Boys attended the Etz Chaim Yeshiva during the day.
The Committee for the Care of the Concentration Camp Children were not always happy with how the hostel was run. They found it dirty and untidy and were concerned about the Boys access to education and training.
After Bachad took over complete control of running the hostel in October 1946, religious children from the Northampton hostel were moved to Woodberry Down.
The Boys
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The Staff
Manfried Feiber and Tutti Feiber were the first wardens. They went to live in Palestine in March 1946.
They were replaced by Josef Honig, married to Traudel Honig, who took over running the hostel. They were both from Germany and eventually settled on Kibbutz Lavi in Israel.
Lina Neufeld was also a member of staff.