Yisroel Rudzinski

tbmq-050Our beloved Zeide was absolutely adored by each and every one of his grandchildren. His care and concern for each was indeed rare. Where would one find a grandfather who knew exactly what each of his grandsons was learning in cheder?! Where would one find a grandfather who would seriously review each one of his grand-daughter’s tests – and reward them accordingly?!
Indeed Zeidy was a grandfather who lived for his grandchildren. But his “grandfatherly” duties did not end with his grandchildren. Reb Yisroel was the Zeide of the street. Upon seeing Zeidy the little children would stretch out their little hands, waiting for the goodies that Zeidy so lovingly doled out.

The little boys in the streets were enquired about their studies too, and yet again, the little bag of goodies would reappear again, much to the delight of the little kinderlech.
Zeidy dear – it’s not only us grandchildren who miss you dearly, it is all the Kinderlech who came into contact with you, they miss you too!

Thea Rudzinski

Posted in Memory Quilts.