Moniek was born on 28th March 1927 in Bruśnik, Poland and grew up in Gorlice.
In Feb 1941 he was taken together with his brother, David, from Bobowa ghetto to Plaszow Concentration Camp. He was sent to Skarzysko-Kamienna in November 1943 and in July 1944 transferred to Czestochowa. In January 1945 he was sent to Buchenwald and in February 1945 to Nordhausen and from there went every day to Dora to work making B1 and B2 rockets which were dropped on England. In April 1945 he and his brother walked the death march together to Theresienstadt where they were liberated by the Russians on 8th May 1945. Shortly after they were both flown to Windermere in England.Moniek was a sailor and then worked as a “Konditor”, a pastry chef. His main hobby was his collection of crystal items like vases.
He never married and passed away in September 2013 in Brighton, leaving no relatives.
David Hirschfeld