Training Workshop

Training Workshop – Speakers in Education Sun 1 July in Golders Green 11.00-1300 Details:
3rd Generation:


Wednesday 9thDecember 2015

Encountering my Landslayt
אין דער אלטער היים

Susan Storring

A journey to Lithuania in search of my mother’s shtetl sparked my interest in getting to know the young people who live there today. Through developing a relationship with the local school, a journey which began in great trepidation has led to surprising encounters with Lithuanians and with the Lithuania of today. The story of this relationship suggests that such friendship projects can begin to heal the deep wounds which exist between Litvaks and Lithuania, with benefits for both sides.

Artists Under Hitler: Discussion and film on Art and Politics in the Weimar

May 9 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Join Ben Uri Gallery at Belsize Synagogue for a discussion with distinguished Historian and Author Jonathan Petropoulos on his new book Artists under Hitler following a private viewing of the seminal film ‘Art and Politics in the Weimar’ directed by Ron Orders.

This event complements our current exhibition Refugees: The Lives of Others featuring German artists whose work was classified as ‘degenerate’ and were not permitted to practice such as Hans Feibusch and Ludwig Meidner.

3rd Generation: what has been your experience growing up as the grandchild of a survivor?

3rd Generation: what has been your experience growing up as the grandchild of a survivor? What has it been like to carry this legacy? There is an experiential weekend workshop being held over 2 days which will use creative approaches including psychodrama to explore the inheritance of your family of origin, enabling a more conscious journey on your own unique path.

Sat 3rd to Sun 4th March, 10am to 5pm in London. There are 3 places remaining.

For more info, please contact
Petra Morris:
or call her on: 07703 332236.

Montefiore Lecture 2016

The ‘45 Aid Society Annual Montefiore Lecture will be held on

Thursday 14th April 2016

at JW3 with a lecture entitled “The Genius of Churchill”. Details to follow

Yom Ha Shoah 2016

Sunday 8th May, 2016

Barnet Copthall Stadium, Hendon, London NW4 1RL (same venue as 2015)

To Book Complimentary Tickets & Parking go to:

Chanukah Party 2015

The Annual ‘45 Aid Society Chanukah Party will be held in London on
Sunday 6th December
at 3pm in West Hampstead.

Contact us for Details